In Paris
Dark Avenues (or Dark Alleys) (Russian: Тёмные аллеи/Tyomnyie alleyi)
Reviewed by Marianne
from Let's Read
Ivan Bunin was an emigrant, he saw a lot of Russian culture from the outside. "In Paris" is a story of Russian emigrants - exactly - in Paris, where he lived for a long time.
As someone who lived abroad myself for a long time, I could relate to many of his allusions. This short story is very interesting and I wouldn't mind reading more by this author.
You will find this story in his collection "Dark Avenues".
"One of the great achievements of twentieth-century Russian émigré literature, Dark Avenues took Bunin's poetic mastery of language to new heights.
between 1938 and 1944 and set in the context of the Russian cultural
and historical crises of the preceding decades, this collection of short
fiction centres around dark, erotic liaisons. Love - in its many varied
forms - is the unifying motif in a rich range of narratives,
characterized by the evocative, elegiac, elegant prose for which Bunin
is renowned."
Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1933 "for following through and developing with chastity and artfulness the traditions of Russian classic prose." He was the first Russian author to be awarded this prize.
Read my other reviews of the Nobel Prize winners for Literature.
Original Post on "Let's Read".
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