aka "Pieces from the View: Life, Streets, Literature"
(Turkish title: Manzaradan Parçalar: Hayat, Sokaklar, Edebiyat)
Reviewed by Marianne
from Let's Read
An interesting book by Orhan Pamuk in which he discusses many topics. Whether it's his childhood in Istanbul, his family, politics or his job as a writer, literature, art, he simply has something interesting and worth knowing to say about everything.
That is certainly the main reason why this author is one of my favorites. I hope he writes a new novel soon.
Book description (translated from the German copy):
"Whether it's the crumbling plaster of Istanbul houses or the Turkish flag, whether it's his father or the terrifying nature of Dostoyevsky's demons - with Orhan Pamuk everything becomes a complex universe. Pamuk observes coolly and tells moving stories. Autobiographical, narrative, politics, art and literature: his essays are the sum of different and contradictory experiences - an incredible stroke of luck."
As you can see from my Wikipedia link, there is an English title, though I could not find the book. Still, I hope it has been translated into English.
Orhan Pamuk received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (Friedenspreis) in 2005.
Read my other reviews of the Nobel Prize winners for Literature.
Original Post on Let's Read.
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